Major General Robert E. Wheeler - Deputy CIO for C4 & Information Infrastructure Capabilities, DoD
Major General Jennifer L. Napper - Director of Plans and Policy/J-5, U.S. Cyber Command
Rear Admiral Robert E. Day Jr. - Assistant Commandant for Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Information Technology & Director, Coast Guard Cyber Command
Dr. Sasi Pillay - Chief Technology Officer for IT , NASA
Troy Lange - Senior Executive, Mission Manager for Mobility, NSA
Ray Letteer - Chief, Cyber Security Division, U.S. Marine Corps
John Hickey - Mobility PM, Defense Information Systems Agency
Mike McCarthy - Director of Operations/Program Manager, Mission Command Complex, Army Brigade Modernization Command
Paige R. Atkins - Vice President for Cyber & IT Research, Virginia Tech Applied Research Corporation
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Why should you attend the Symposium?
There is no question Mobility has quickly become a large, and growing, asset to the Defense Department, DHS, and federal government agencies and transformed into a “must-have” with combat & civilian personnel. The concept of working anywhere on any device has shaped how DOD is moving ahead in the mobile sphere and military personnel need to be able to access information wherever they are.
The Pentagon manages more than 250,000 commercial mobile devices using different operating systems, according to DoD figures.
DSI’s Mobile Device Security for Defense and Government Symposium will provide the latest updates from key organizations involved Defense Information Systems & Business Enterprise Systems addressing new objectives in wireless infrastructure, mobile devices and mobile applications to enable working on making mobile devices secure.
You can expect to hear from OSD and policy makers, homeland security leadership and Federal Government agency counterparts on, Balancing Security & Innovation for the Defense & Security Community, Mobile Uses & Mobile COTS in the Tactical Environment, and Emerging Technologies for Teleport Services.
The symposium will provide valuable information on efforts to build partnerships for the latest technology in defense, homeland security & federal government civilian IT workforce.
Sponsorship & Exhibit Opportunities
DSI’s team specializes in the extensive research and development of our Summits' content and focus areas. We are proud to provide opportunities for exhibit space, round table discussions, product demonstrations, to luncheon and cocktail receptions.
Download Exhibit & Sponsorship Prospectus Here